Tuesday 3 May 2016

NETBALL with Brooke

With Brooke today we had a challenge where we had to
 pass with a bounce pass to the first person,



chest pass to the second person,


and an overhead pass to the last person.

We had to practice first, then we had a challenge to see who could do it the fastest.

It was a lot of fun.


  1. Rory thought that it looked like you were working hard at Netball. Ruby hoped you had fun at Netball. We learnt how to do bounce passes too commented Gaby.

  2. Rory thought that it looked like you were working hard at Netball. Ruby hoped you had fun at Netball. We learnt how to do bounce passes too commented Gaby.

  3. Thanks for your comments Room 13! :)

  4. Great work Room 11 i hope you enjoyed netball and learnt new skills

  5. Nice to see you fit room 11 hope you had fun with Brooke
