Wednesday 25 May 2016



On the 24th of May we had Cross Country at 2pm.  We went out the watch the serious runners do their 3 laps first.  

First, we sat down behind our cone.  When we were sitting behind our cone the little kids started running.  I felt nervous waiting and excited at the same time.

Next, Miss Wise let us through a gate to the starting line.  We were racing with Rooms 13 and 10.  "On your marks, get set". SNAP! went the clappers.  We were off and racing!  I was stuck in a mess of runners but I got in front of them  I ended up beside my friend Milla from Room 13.

Then I caught up to Lucy and Ruby(Lucy's sister), they were in the lead! I came first equal with Lucy and Ruby.

My favourite part was coming 1st because I have never came 1st before and I bet all the big Room 10 kids.

By Harrison

Our start - for our practice race

Thursday 19 May 2016


This term our art topic is sewing.  On Wednesdays we are enjoying having helpers in our room for sewing.

These are our butterflies we made.

We started on our flower pictures.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

NETBALL with Brooke

With Brooke today we had a challenge where we had to
 pass with a bounce pass to the first person,



chest pass to the second person,


and an overhead pass to the last person.

We had to practice first, then we had a challenge to see who could do it the fastest.

It was a lot of fun.