Monday 15 February 2016

CRICKET with Garfield

On a hot Monday afternoon Room 11 went out to the field at the Hampstead School grounds.   We did cricket with Garfield.  The lesson was about catching.  I made a good catch by  watching the ball and moving where the ball went.
By Poppy C

Next, we had to throw a ball to a partner who was throwing a ball to us too.
It was a little bit tricky because I'm throwing the  ball and another ball is coming towards me.
By Harrison


After that we had to do under-arm bowling.  We had to hit a target, when we bowled.
My partner was Harrison, so I bowled to him.  We both hit the target seven times,
I hit it seven times first.
By April

Lastly, we played a game.  We had to keep our eyes on the ball and hit it as far as you can, then run as fast as you can back and forward.  I was in group three.  We got about 15 runs and the other team got about 10.
My team won, I was proud.  Then we shook hands.  The thing that I liked was throwing the ball to my buddy.
By Poppie B


  1. Neat to have Garfield along- has anyone tried out our cricket pitch at lunchtime? The skills involved can be used in other sports too.

  2. Thanks for your comment Mr Melrose, we loved it! RM 11
