Thursday 25 February 2016

Homework Project

Today Connor brought his possum trap into school.  It was his extra homework choice for this term.  He built it with his Dad, it took all Saturday afternoon to build.  He is going to try it out at his cousin's farm.

Thursday 18 February 2016

GIANT footsteps

On a hot, windy morning Room 11 walked to the school pool so we could see Paige B, Poppie B, Harrison do some lengths. While they did it Mrs Eaton timed them. We cheered for them. It was even windier on the way back. Everybody’s hats were blowing off. In the sky it looked like a giant was walking on the cloud.
By Maddison       

Monday 15 February 2016

CRICKET with Garfield

On a hot Monday afternoon Room 11 went out to the field at the Hampstead School grounds.   We did cricket with Garfield.  The lesson was about catching.  I made a good catch by  watching the ball and moving where the ball went.
By Poppy C

Next, we had to throw a ball to a partner who was throwing a ball to us too.
It was a little bit tricky because I'm throwing the  ball and another ball is coming towards me.
By Harrison


After that we had to do under-arm bowling.  We had to hit a target, when we bowled.
My partner was Harrison, so I bowled to him.  We both hit the target seven times,
I hit it seven times first.
By April

Lastly, we played a game.  We had to keep our eyes on the ball and hit it as far as you can, then run as fast as you can back and forward.  I was in group three.  We got about 15 runs and the other team got about 10.
My team won, I was proud.  Then we shook hands.  The thing that I liked was throwing the ball to my buddy.
By Poppie B

Wednesday 3 February 2016


We have started our swimming lessons now and it is great to see everyone with their togs keen to swim.  We are making progress already and are enjoying being back in our School Pool.

 Ready to begin.


It was great to get back to the library today.  We are allowed to get out 2 books each Thursday, if we bring them back each library day we can then get 2 more out!

Monday 1 February 2016


We got to make our own numbers:
Natasha 650
Rereahu 1206
Poppy 1446
Mya 158

Kelcey made 223
Mikaere made 114
Harrison made 259 and
Ruby made 236


Our first time in the pool today!  We will add photos to this post each week