Tuesday 26 May 2015

Hockey Story

Yesterday in the freezing cold air my class put on their coats and met our coach Tania who was teaching us Hockey.  First, we had to line up behind a hockey stick.  My one was blue.  Second, we had to stand in our hockey positions.   Third, we had to dribble our imaginary ball across a soft and stony court.

Next we had to get into partners for passes, we did 5 close up, then went further and further apart.  Lastly, we got to hit the ball hard to see how far we can get it.  I got it to the flagpole, I was excited to see that I got it to the flagpole.  Then we had to line up, Tania said to skip around the old playground back to class.

By Edelma and Lela

HOCKEY with Tania

Today we enjoyed learning some new skills with the hockey sticks.  
To start with we practiced just holding the sticks correctly 

Next we had to control the ball

Tania and Madison demonstrating how to push the ball to each other

Everyone then had a go - great hit Anton!

Monday 25 May 2015


On Friday Hampstead School had pink day to support anti-bullying.  I was wearing my white and pink pants, my pink cardy, my grey top and boots.  I got my clothes for my birthday.  I was also wearing a pink jacket.  I think pink day is a really good thing to have to support all the people that get bullied.  It's sad to think that some people get bullied all the time.  Lexus and I had no-one to play with, so I asked her if she wanted to play with me.

By Harmony


Wednesday 13 May 2015


Hampstead School raised $317 from a coin trail for the people of Nepal.


Last week's assembly awards

Cecillia and Chrissea got awards at last week's assembly.  Cecillia got hers for her extra detail to her writing including paragraphs and Chrissea got hers for her big improvements in her reading and writing.

Keep up the great efforts Room 11!

Photo taken by Alexia

Monday 4 May 2015


We have been practising for the school Cross Country.  We have all been aiming to run further each day.  Here are some pics of us going around the track.