Tuesday 30 August 2016


Last night we had our first games of miniball at Oxford St Stadium.  The- girls played first.  They were fast up and down the court.  They won 26-12.  Milla from Room 13 got player of the day.

Next up was the boys game.  They played against St Josephs, they lost 10-8 in a really close game.  Owen got player of the day.  They all played well as a team and passed the ball around a lot. 

Thursday 25 August 2016


At 6.45am in the morning we had to be at school and it was dark.  Then when we got to Mt Hutt we had to tell the rental people our shoe size and weight for our skis or snowboard.

The ski boots were really heavy.  When we got to our lessons we got learnt how to ski.  We started off with one ski on our foot and then the opposite one.  Then we got both on.

Then they took us on the magic carpet and we learnt how to do a pizza shape to stop.  When you went down the hill you followed the other people. And your teacher would tell you when to stop and go.

Sometimes we would fall over and crash and we would have to take our skis off to get back up.  I got a lot of bruises and marks from my boots.

On the magic carpet there was two lines into a big, long container.  One line was for the ski school and one was for free time.  Sometimes it stopped really smoothly but other time it didn't and we would loose our balance.  

When you fell over it was hard to get back up again.  And when you fell over you would slide down the mountain and it hurt because the snow was hard.  

Some people discovered another slope behind the magic carpet. It was steeper and you went really fast.  The first time we all fell over.

See photos on our school Facebook page 


By Harrison, Alizah, Paige.B, April and Ruby.

Thursday 18 August 2016

St John's Coin Trail

This morning we all bought some coins to school to donate to St Johns.  Our class raised $22. Great effort Room 11!

Thursday 4 August 2016


When we got to school this morning we got a little snow!

We were very excited....but then the sun came out again.

Japanese students visit us

Today we were lucky to have 5 Japanese students visit us and teach us some games.

Some of the girls showed them their dance: "It's better when I'm dancing".

At playtime a few of them also played soccer with Brandon, Mikaere and Harrison.