Tuesday 15 December 2015


Edelma, Harmony, Alexia, Te Whetu and Teagan wrote a play using the potato men.
They finally got to perform it today.  

Thank you for reading our blog this year - happy holidays!!!!

Santa came to visit!

Taken by Harmony - Santa delivering all our cards

Some of our art frames - they might be under the Xmas tree!

Monday 14 December 2015

Merry Christmas from Room 11

Today we finished our gingerbread reindeer!  They turned out awesome, we had fun doing it and they tasted fantastic!

It was hard to wait for the icing to set!

Sunday 13 December 2015

Christmas Fun!

Mrs Mattingley helped us today with some baking.  We baked gingerbread men and trees - but if you look again tomorrow you will get a surprise with the gingerbread men!

Thank you Mrs Mattingley for all your help

in Room 11 this year!   

We have loved having you :)

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Kapahaka 2015

We were really proud to watch our school Kapahaka group yesterday, especially Lela, Ashanti and Marie!