Wednesday 26 August 2015


Lela on the beam



Alexia on the box


This term our art focus is print making.  We made our
own print from a piece of foam.  They turned out awesome!




Wednesday 19 August 2015


Today we went over to the Hall for Science Alive.  They introduced themselves, their names are John and Anna.  Next Anna came in with a big black bag, she said that she had lost her house key, so John looked inside the bag with a torch.  He found two pairs of keys.
 Next they showed us that the sun reflects onto the moon and then to our eyes.  After that John got two lasers and shined them up at the roof.  Then Anna sprayed air freshener in the air and it showed the laser.  Then John pointed the green laser at a mirror, Anna sprayed the air freshener again, it pointed at the roof two times.   Next John and Anna said you can only see seven colours, they are the rainbow colours.  Lastly, John shined the lasers at the wall.  Then Anna put a mirror in the middle of the lasers and they went upside down.  In the afternoon we went back to the hall
                                                                                    to do some stations.
                                                                                    BY LEXUS

At this station we got to look into a mirror with water in a container and  hold up a black and white card.
Then we got to see how many rainbows there were.  There was also a battery that we could attach to a spinning
top and we could see lots of different colours.  When it went really fast you could see grey.

We got to make cards with a ball on one side and an elephant on the back.
Then we added rubber bands to make handles, when we twisted it hard and it got really
tight we pulled the rubber bands and it looked like the elephant was on the ball.

On this station we got to look at a box, but with a hood on our head.
We had to open the box and see what was in it.  Of course, we couldn't
see anything, but then we got to look at it with a torch.  We saw a baby green dinosaur.

At this station we made UV bracelets.
We also got to see how sunscreen worked with a UV light.
It was surprising how effective the sunscreen was. 

Teagan and Jordan could see rainbows through these glasses.

By looking through this periscope Gypsy could see people at the top.
It worked by having mirrors at both ends which reflected the image.

There were pencils you could trace over shapes, you had to look through the mirror
and it was hard to do it because it was like drawing backwards.

At this one you shined the light on the cars and they would move,
you could make them race by shining the light on them.   The cars 
had a solar panel on the back of them, but they didn't always work.