Thursday 30 July 2015


Liam got our student of the week at assembly today.

He got this for settling down to work quickly, being able to help out others in class, joining in classroom discussion and for always being a positive Room 11 member. 

Japanese visitors

Japanese visitors came to our school today and preformed a great dance to us in assembly.

We sang some songs to them and then Room 11 preformed their Rarotonga dance and Room 3 did a rakau stick song.


We have some amazing coaches from the Ashburton College for the next 6 weeks on Thursday for a variety of sports.
We have all been split into smaller groups and mixed up with the other Year 5/6 classes.
We have learnt some awesome games and look forward to the next week's coaching.

These last two photos of the netball were taken by Ashanti.

We even had some former Hampstead students coaching us - maybe this year's Room 11
students will come back and do some coaching one day!

Soap Carving with Brent

3 lucky Room 11 students got to do soap carving with Brent this week.

These first two photos were taken by Madison.

They had a great time carving with the
soap and were very proud of their creations.

Turbo Touch with Kat

Saturday 11 July 2015


I have added Studyladder to our learning sites, your child has  received a new Username and Password.

Thursday 2 July 2015


Wow guys - what a fantastic assembly, all that hard work really paid off!

Have an awesome holiday, see you after the break!
:)   :)   :)