Thursday 25 June 2015

MATHS with wine gums

Yesterday Room 11 did maths.  We did 3D shapes.  We had to use wine gums and toothpicks to build shapes.  We had to find the number of edges of each shape and the number of vertices (corners).

Triangular prism - YUMMY!

Square-based pyramid

This one had 36 edges, and 20 vertices

Wednesday 24 June 2015

MORE poems

Hot dogs

Hot and steamy

Fresh from the fire

Crunchy, crispy, delicious with sauce

                    By Isaac

S   P   R   I   N   G

Sunflowers growing
The smell of fresh grass
The sun shining brightly
A tall tree with ripe juicy apples
New gardens with strawberries growing
Fresh tomatoes and silverbeet
Juicy lemons and plums
Spring is so awesome!
                    By Chrissea

Sunday 21 June 2015


On Mondays the Year 5 and 6s can bring their bikes to try out the new bike track.  It is also available on Fridays at golden time.  Nick looked liked he was having fun out there at lunchtime today.

Wednesday 17 June 2015


A limerick usually has 5 lines.  Lines 1, 2, and five all rhyme and they have the same number of syllables.  Lines 3 and 4 rhyme and they have the number of syllables.  Here are some of our limericks.  See if you can clap out the syllables.

I went to school

that was really cool

because the school pool

was open all day.

By Liam

I went to choir last night

and I sounded really nice

and we sat on the edge of the row

after I was very cold and tired

and we home to bed.

By Alexia and Teagan

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Farm Poem

What is a farm?

A farm is a green place

It grows crops

for us to eat.

It is fun on a farm

in your farm clothes

wind in your hair

driving a tractor to the cows

driving the header on a hot summer's day

drenching the sheep

tailing the lambs

That is a farm.

By Will




My dog is as black as the night

My dog is funny

My dog is loopy and really weird and awesome

He is a softy to me

He barks at people that go past

And when he sleeps he curls up into a ball like a kitten

He misses me when I go to school

His name is Bud


Thursday 4 June 2015